Monday, June 30, 2014

Who needs a TransFueler?

Mobile fuel trailers are still something not often seen on American roads. Traditionally, mobile refueling has been done via large tanker trucks.

Typically referred to as "wet hosing", these tankers are dispatched to job sites and individually refuel the equipment, vehicles or aircraft as needed.  Not a bad way of doing it, but fuel suppliers normally charge a significant fee for each trip. And you have to make an appointment every time you need refueling. Cumbersome, expensive & inconvenient...

Fast forward to the 21st century, and the state of the art, original TransFueler. 

TransFueler helps your bottom line in several ways:
  • Initial cost. Consider buying your own fuel truck and eliminating the inconvenience of having to schedule every refueling?  Prepare to spend in the range of $350,000, or find a beat up old truck that needs refurbishing for a mere $60k or so.  TransFueler mobile refuelers start at $4,995.00, and top out around $30k. Brand new, fully equipped, your choice of size, options and configurations. 
  • Recurring cost.  Typically, per-trip fees are running about $80 to have a wet-hose truck come to your site.  That's on top of the actual fuel cost. Refueling twice a week? Simply eliminating those charges will pay for a brand new 500 gallon TransFueler in under a year, and the savings then continue forever.
  • Convenience.  Refuel your equipment at your site, at any hour, totally at your convenience.  What's the real value of this? Your crew & equipment keeps working instead of stopping and waiting for a fuel truck to arrive.  These saving only multiply over time.
  • Flexibility. Have equipment at several locations? No need to pay the fuel supplier several trip fees, simply take your TransFueler wherever it needs to refuel your vehicles, equipment or aircraft.  We supply TransFuelers to the largest life flight helicopter companies in the country. They use their TransFuelers to refuel the helicopters at hospital bases, and off site. This saves them thousands of dollars needing to go to local airports to refuel. And if you need their services, you want the helicopter to be fueled and ready, not transiting to an airport to refuel...
Do the math for your situation.  Acquiring a TransFueler WILL save you time, money and hassle.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Fuel Management: Solution To A Real Problem

Today's reality is; fuel is NOT getting any cheaper.  In addition to conserving fuel, it is also wise to protect our fuel.  That hadn't always been easy to do. Fuel theft on unattended sites, as well as employee theft is very real.  Having your fuel dispensing equipment simply protected by a padlock doesn't cut it anymore.

Fortunately, we have the answer. Fuel management systems have long existed to control and track fuel usage in fleets. Typically they consist of a card reader mounted on or near the fuel dispensing equipment. 
CardMaster marina fuel station.

We sell quite a few fuel management systems to a wide variety of customers. The basic concept is that the system allows access to fuel only to approved users. This is accomplished via the fuel management system requiring user authorization. Then it provides power to the pump to dispense fuel. Without proper authorization, the pump will not function. Additionally, the fuel management system records data of each fueling transaction. date, time, gallons dispensed, user are always recorded. In addition, most systems also allow for recording of additional fields of information.

Usually these will be:
  • Odometer or hour meter reading of vehicle or equipment fueled
  • Vehicle or equipment number
  • Driver
  • Department
  • Job number
  • Customer number, etc...
All fields are input numerically via the fuel management system's keyboard.  Fields are customized to suit the customer's needs. The fuel management system stores these individual transactions, and the data is periodically downloaded. 

Until now, these neat systems have only been available to owners of stationary fueling systems, with 110V power available. Great if you have a fleet yard and fill all your vehicles there.  For the users of mobile refueling equipment, like our TransFueler, there hasn't been a good solution.

Until now...  We've partnered with Piusi USA, and now offer their excellent fuel management system in a 12 volt configuration.  This means you can buy a new TransFueler, or retrofit your existing TransFueler with a full featured fuel management system.  You control who dispenses your fuel. You get a record of all fuel dispensed, along with whatever additional data you need.

Piusi MC Fuel Management System

Piusi is a long established Italian company, in the fuel dispensing & management business since 1953. They offer an excellent product, at very, very competitive prices. We've found their customer service to also be top notch.

In all, this is a very good addition to our TransFueler line.

We're now offering the Piusi system on all TransFueler models, including our industry leading aviation units.