Monday, August 20, 2018

Helicopter Aviation: How a TransFueler Will Save You Money

One of our largest TransFueler customer base is the helicopter industry. Particularly the "life flight", or airborne ambulance sector.  Airborne law enforcement is also a big user of TransFueler mobile refuelers. 

The three largest "life flight" type of companies all use TransFueler units to keep their helicopters ready to fly 24/7.  

Example: at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN, a TransFueler 750 gallon jet refueler stands ready to refuel the helicopter around the clock.  Prior to purchasing their TransFueler, the helicopter crew needed to fly the helicopter in between emergency flights to refuel.  That practice cost the operator thousands of dollars in wasted fuel, maintenance & crew time.  

You may not realize it, but simply starting the engine or engines on any helicopter is fairly expensive. Helicopter maintenance requirements are somewhat based on engine "cycles". That means: how many times was the engine started, run, and shut down.  Plus, add in some fuel to fly to a local airport, flight crew costs, and you can see how on site refueling saves a significant amount of money, time and maintenance.

It's estimated that the TransFueler refueler in service at the Mayo Clinic "paid for itself" in less than a year by cutting these costs.

In another example, a large (actually the world's largest) medical helicopter company has several helicopters based at small airports that simply don't have 24hr fuel service. They were forced to fly to a different airport to refuel, after transporting patients. Then fly back to their home base.  Again, wasting time & money. And adding yet another cycle to the engine...

In San Diego CA, the county fire department has a fleet of TransFuelers that are used to support air operations in the regions desert & mountain areas.  

San Diego County Fire
In Maricopa County AZ, the Sheriff's Department uses their fleet of TransFuelers to support law enforcement and search & rescue operations in the vast deserts surrounding Phoenix.  

Almost all 50 states have TransFuelers in operation supporting their medical helicopters, airborne law enforcement, and a wide variety of aviation uses. 

Along the southern border, a fleet of highly specialized TransFuelers provide aerial refueling of  surveillance blimps.  And the U.S. Customs & Border Patrol keeps their aircraft & vehicles running 24/7 with TransFuelers. 

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Construction: How a TransFueler Will Save You Money.

Construction, particularly commercial, industrial & infrastructure sectors are capital intensive businesses.  

If you're involved in one of these type of companies, you're well aware of the cost of the heavy equipment, generators & vehicles required to keep your projects moving. Many of the industry's largest builders are using TransFueler mobile refuelers to keep their equipment fueled. 

Cost Factors:
  • Downtime.  When your equipment & personnel are waiting for a fuel truck to arrive, you're losing productivity. Are you able to schedule fuel truck deliveries to match when your equipment will actually need fuel? How much does every minute of non-productivity cost? 
  • Fuel truck trip charges. How much does it cost each time a fuel truck visits your job site? By storing fuel on-site, you require far fewer fuel truck deliveries.  Typically, these savings alone can pay for a single TransFueler in a matter of months. 
  • Bulk purchasing. Buying hundreds or thousands of gallons of fuel at a time can be substantially cheaper than individual fill-ups. Let us help you negotiate fuel rates with your suppliers.
  • Flexibility. Fuel your equipment 24/7.  Easily move your TransFueler around your job site for maximum efficiency. Take it to your other job sites to refuel equipment there as well.  Your TransFueler keeps your equipment, generators, light towers & vehicles working. 
The old way: high cost & inefficient:

The highly efficient TransFueler way: