Monday, October 21, 2019

Cost/Benefit Analysis: TransFueler Aviation

We've always known that a TransFueler will save money quite effectively for aircraft operators.
Now, we have actual financial analysis results to share.

This study was done by a good customer, one of the largest helicopter operators in the world. They operate about 400 jet helicopters in a variety of roles, primarily air ambulance and tourism.

The subject aircraft is an Airbus Eurocopter EC135.  This is a medium to large, twin turbine engine helicopter, used worldwide. Quite typical of air ambulance, law enforcement, tourism, etc. uses. In this scenario, the helicopter is based at a hospital or airport without access to fueling 24/7.

The study used data collected over a one year period of time. Bottom line: they discovered that a TransFueler saved almost $74,000/year.

Breaking it down:
  • Annual flights: 285 (Approximately 560 flight hours)
  • Flights needing extra stop to refuel: 199 
  • Percentage of flights needing to stop to refuel: 70%
  • Actual extra flight time for fuel stop: 21 minutes per trip
  • Direct operating cost per flight hour (Excluding fuel): $759.11
  • Actual operating savings: $50,284

  • Aircraft hours reduced: 66
  • Aircraft fuel consumption, gallons per hour: 68
  • Average fuel cost per gallon: $4.12
  • Fuel cost savings: $18,565

  •  Annual flight hours: 559
  •  Hours reduced by not stopping for fuel: 66
  • Aircraft fuel consumption rate: 68 gallons per hour
  • Annual fuel use: 33490 gallons
  • Savings per gallon: $0.15 (Agreement with local fuel supplier)
  • Fuel savings: $5,024
Total Savings: $73,873
Typical cost of a TransFueler Aviation refueler, 750 gallon capacity: $28,000.
Time to completely recoup cost of purchasing TransFueler: 4.5 MONTHS

This isn't a made-up marketing story. These are real numbers, from a real aircraft operator.
If you are interested in achieving similar results. Real, genuine savings. Get in touch.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Top 7 Ways a TransFueler Will Save You Money

1. Reduce down time spent going to a gas station or filling with 5 gallon cans.  Fuel your vehicles, equipment & generators 24/7, on your schedule.

2. Reduce down time waiting for a fuel truck to deliver & refuel your equipment. How many hours are wasted with an out-of-fuel piece of equipment that could be working instead of waiting? How many labor hours are lost? 

3. Reduce fuel costs with a fuel contract. Fuel suppliers typically have programs to sell you fuel at reduced cost when you agree to have them be your regular supplier.

4. Reduce per trip delivery charges by fuel suppliers. Have them come fill your TransFueler with a large load, and fill your equipment from the TransFueler. Typical delivery fees run about $50/per trip. This alone can pay for a TransFueler in a matter of months.

5. Be prepared for fuel shortages, natural disasters, etc. When others tanks are dry, have a good supply of fuel on hand to keep working.

6. Reduce "cycle" costs. Particularly applicable to our aviation customers. Instead of flying to an airport to refuel your helicopter or plane, fuel it on your site, 24/7. Reduces engine cycles & crew costs.  100% readiness.

7. Reduce fuel theft. Instead of employees going to gas stations with a company credit card, dispense and track fuel usage 24/7 with a properly equipped TransFueler.

A TransFueler (or any other of our excellent refuelers) will save you money.
  • Reduce down time for both equipment & personnel. 
  • Keep equipment working instead of waiting.
  • Purchase fuel cheaper in bulk. 
  • Reduce engine cycles by fueling on site. 
  • Be prepared by having a safe, secure 24/7 refueling capability.