Monday, September 25, 2017

Choices... One size doesn't fit all.

When we started this company, over 10 years ago, we wanted to be better.  Better?  What does that really mean?

We wanted to be different. Different than the rest of the industry, which is typically pretty traditional, not very innovative. 
  • Suck the oil out of the ground. 
  • Refine it into various fuels. 
  • Transport it to giant tank farms & terminals. 
  • Deliver it to local fuel suppliers.   
  • Sell it to you & me.
We chose to address that last step of the process chain, as we couldn't come up with $100 million to drill a couple wells and buy a refinery. 

We don't actually sell the fuel itself. We sell systems that make it easier, more convenient and cheaper to buy and actually use the fuel.

At first glance, it might not be obvious who our customers tend to be.  Think in terms of any entity that needs to use fuels, but can't simply drive to a gas station to fill up.
  • Heavy equipment; bulldozers, excavators, etc.
  • Farming equipment; combines, tractors, etc.
  • Helicopters; jet & piston helicopters. You could land at a gas station, but they don't have aviation fuels...
  • Airplanes. 
  • Generators. At hospitals, universities, anywhere...
  • Pump stations; public utilities, water districts, etc.
  • Any vehicle or equipment that needs to be refueled...

This array of customers creates a real need for a wide variety of refueling equipment. What's  great for a jet helicopter operator, (let's say a life flight type of service) is far different than what a road builder might need.

The helicopter air ambulance company needs a reliable source of fuel 24/7.  It also may have it's aircraft based at a hospital, rather than an airport.  Hospital's don't have jet fuel tanks, but they can have a TransFueler mobile fuel trailer on site.

It costs money every single time the helicopter's jet engines start and run. It costs money for the flight crew. It costs in maintenance for each "engine cycle".  If the helicopter needs to get to YOU in an emergency, it may cost you dearly if they need to fly to an airport to refuel, or wait for a fuel truck to show up.

The construction company runs heavy equipment on diesel fuel. When the tanks get low, they typically call out a fuel tanker to refuel. Instead of sitting around waiting for the truck to arrive, the smart companies simply have their on-site TransFueler refuel the equipment. Any time, around the clock. Refueling on their schedule, not the fuel supplier's.

The point is: one mobile refueling system does not fit all.  No other company remotely comes close to the choices we offer. We don't have to sell you on the one or two models we have.  We've got the widest selection in the industry, and there's a TransFueler or Western Global system perfectly suited for your needs.  

TransFueler DOT
TransFueler Aviation
TransFueler Custom
TransFueler M-Series

Western Global TransCube
Western Global FuelCube
Western Global ABBI
Western Global TransTank

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